Sculptra, Explained

What is Sculptra?

Sculptra (poly-L-lactic acid) is an injectable biostimulator that helps gradually replace lost collagen. Collagen is a protein that makes up 70% of our skin’s structure. It supports the functions of elastin and hyaluronic acid (HA). By age 50, we lose about 30% of our collagen. Replacing lost collagen reinforces our skin’s framework to maintain skin shape, texture, and hydration. While Sculptra is often used for facial revolumization, it can also strengthen skin in other areas (such as above the knees) or add volume to the buttocks/correct hip dips (non-surgical BBL).

How long does it last?

After Sculptra is injected, your body will start to make collagen around the product. We may re-evaluate your progress a number of weeks later. In most cases, multiple sessions are needed. Once your aesthetic goals are reached, it is recommended to continue with maintenance sessions every 1-2 years to continue to give you the best results and healthiest skin. Other ways to obtain collagen, such as creams or supplements, have not proven effective. Sculptra is the only FDA approved PLLA collagen biostimulator that lasts up to 2 years!

Am I a good candidate for Sculptra?

Although we can’t stop the aging process, we can build more collagen to help aging appear less apparent. Sculptra treats the underlying cause of aging: volume loss. Book a consult with our nurse practitioners to build an individualized treatment plan and get the Sculptra glow!


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